About Us
Stonegate Village Metropolitan District
District Overview
Stonegate Village Metropolitan District (SVMD) is a governmental entity that was formed per Title 32 of the Colorado Revised State Statutes to perform specific services for the residents and businesses located within the District boundaries. The District is located in unincorporated Douglas County and is approximately 639 acres in size. The SVMD is responsible for and oversees the provision of potable water and wastewater services, common / open space maintenance, and maintenance of recreational facilities within the District. In addition to providing certain services to properties that lie within its borders the District also provides potable water and sewer services to private and commercial properties within the Lincoln Park, E-470 Potomac and Compark Metropolitan Districts. See all Districts Map.
The services and facilities are maintained and operated by funds received either through property taxes or fees. Residents can review their property tax bill from Douglas County and see an assessment for Stonegate Village Metropolitan District. Taxes collected are primarily used to pay down debt incurred to build and/or expand the District’s water and wastewater treatment facilities. Property owners also assist in funding these services through the collection of certain fees, such as the monthly park and recreation fee that shows up on one’s utility bill is used to maintain the open space and park facilities. The water and sewer fees are used for operation, maintenance, and long-term replacement of the water and wastewater treatment facilities. (Read Stonegate Village’s Service Plan.) The District is governed by an elected Board of Directors, of which there are five positions. They serve either two or four year terms and are term-limited to a total of eight years. Board meetings are open to the public, are scheduled for the third Wednesday of each month, and are typically held at the Stonegate Community Center (Your Board Members) . Watch our website for exact date and location.
If you have any question or concerns about the District services, projects and programs, you are encouraged to contact District Manager at 303-858-9909, or by mail at SVMD District Offices by mail at 10252 Stonegate Parkway, Parker, CO 80134.
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