Drainage-Way Maintenance
Newlin Gulch
Stonegate completed the Newlin Gulch improvement project with Douglas County and Urban Drainage and Flood Control District to construct drainage improvements and a new foot bridge within Newlin Gulch just West of Jordan Rd.

Originally, Douglas County, Urban Drainage and Flood Control District, and Stonegate Village Metropolitan District initiated a study to evaluate the need for channel stabilization improvements along Newlin Gulch within Stonegate Village. The study was completed in 2008 and included recommendations for channel stabilization improvements and phasing. Construction of Phase 1 improvements, located at the southern boundary of Stonegate Village, was completed in the spring of 2010. Design and construction of Phase 2 improvements, shown below, were also completed. .
The Phase 2 improvements included restoring and replacing 3 existing check structures (concrete walls built across the channel) with grouted boulder drop structures, protecting a sanitary sewer line, channel grading, and bank protection. The Phase 2 improvements also included a new concrete trail that connects the neighborhood on the south side of the gulch to the existing trail system on the north side. A boardwalk crossing goes over Newlin Gulch as part of the trail connection work.