Wastewater FAQs
Stonegate Village has its own wastewater treatment plant facility that provides wastewater service for the Stonegate community. The plant is located northwest corner of E470 and Jordan Road.
No. Wastewater systems flow to a treatment plant, but stormwater systems flow directly into the creeks, rivers, and lakes without the benefit of treatment. Watch H2O Jo Takes a Trip Down the Storm Drain or visit www.OneThingIsClear.org to learn more.
No. Only rainwater should be entering the stormwater system. Anything else could be considered an illicit discharge and a violation of local, state, and federal laws. Tri-County Health Department provides information on how to dispose of Household Hazardous Wastes (HHW) in your community.
Participate in the next creek cleanup in your area. Storm drain stenciling events – where the destination of stormwater is clearly marked on the drain – are a fun way to let your neighbors know the storm drain is only for rain. Attend public hearings or meetings on the topic so you can express your concerns. Report stormwater violations when you spot them to your local government. Keep learning about polluted stormwater runoff and tell a friend!

If you have any questions about the District services, projects and programs, you are encouraged to contact District Manager at 303-858-9909, or by mail at SVMD District Offices by mail at 10252 Stonegate Parkway, Parker, CO 80134.